16/Sep/2024 20/Sep/2024
10am-12.30pm PST / 6-8.30pm BST

“The house is on fire, not only your little house but the house of your neighbour whether he is ten thousand miles away or just beyond the hedge. The world is on fire, and you must do something…”

J. Krishnamurti


Am I aware that the “house is on fire”?

As we dialogue together, do we stay in our comfort zones, and casually communicate from within the apparent safe space of our conditioned mind?

I see that fear, conflict, division and sorrow is holding the world in its grip. But what I am to do? I might feel helpless both to solve my own problems, as well as those of the world…

What will generate a “fire” of resolve – a passion – to change? What will make our very inquiry, imperative?


This event is organised in collaboration with a KFA Online In Depth Program

Group inquiry from home


  • 2.5 hour creative dialogue session
    • One session per day Monday to Friday
  • The dialogues will be including:
    • quiet time
    • breakout rooms into smaller groups for short periods
    • journaling may be included please bring writing materials.
  • I have posted K video extracts below connected to our theme.
    • It is recommended we watch the videos not to gain answers, but to open up questions…



There will be a 10minute break during each session

When the house is on fire, do you argue the colour of the skin of the man who brings the water? JK




This program is organised by the Krishnamurti Foundation America


K Videos On The Theme

The house of humanity is burning (shorts)


The world is on fire, what is one to do?

The world is on fire – group discussion