IS THE OBSERVER THE OBSERVED? Online intensive workshop

Online Event
08/Sep/2025 12/Sep/2025
10am PST / 6pm BST

“Observe, and in that observation there is neither the “observer” nor the “observed” – there is only observation taking place.” JK



Is the observer the observed?

One of Krishnamurti’s most famous and repeated statements is: “the observer is the observed”. Firstly, in our online workshop we shall be looking closely at this statement: what is he referring to? What does this mean in everyday life? What exactly is the observer? Is this an intellectual concept or can we see and feel the sense of an observer, first hand? Does the observer imply a separation with that which is observed, and what are the consequences of such an ingrained perception. We shall be examining if we can have a direct experience of the separation of the observer from the observed; a crucial corner-stone of the conditioned mind.

Only with this kind of careful examination of this question, can there be an actual possibility of change in perception. Can the observer be the observed? Is there an observation free from the observer? Is it possible for observation to no longer be distorted and conditioned by the observer and can the mind free itself from the weight of time? 

This is our inquiry.



Daily online sessions:  10:00 am-12:30 pm Pacific Time / 6:00 – 8:30 pm British Standard Time

These sessions will be recorded and made available to the participants only for further personal study for 2 weeks after the last session.

Please register with the Krishnamurti Foundation America KFA who are hosting this event.